Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 4 Review

Frank vs. Russia- 7.3/10

The episode starts with Charlie waking Frank up and being led through cameras to a chess board. We then open at the bar where Dennis has to solve Dee and Mac’s problems and Charlie and Frank are looking for a buzzer. Charlie goes to his moms to get spy glasses from uncle Jack who then shows up at the chess event in an ice cream van with no ice cream, we know this since frank ask for some. They are using the spy glasses and an Applebees buzzer to determine moves in the chess game, Charlie also gets his beer taken away. We then get a Dennis system for getting guys which was hilarious. The whole system is to make the guy feel good towards you by giving them feelings of their mom or mommy as Dennis says. The system is called sinned which is Dennis backwards and the reveal of the system was funny. At the bar we find out Dee Roofied herself and then slept with her guy and took his phone. Mac also doesn’t connect the dots that his guy was really Dennis all along. They then use the beads Mac and Dee have been using on Frank to help him dictate his moves in chess instead of the buzzer. Mac not understanding that Dennis is controlling the beads tries to take the phone and in the process breaks the phone controlling the beads. In the end with all the pain Frank wins the chess match.


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