Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 5 Review

Celebrity Booze: The Ultimate Cash Grab- 6.7/10

We see Mac, Charlie, and Dennis decide to do a money grab with the celebrity booze craze with the breaking bad stars. They pitch Frank on their liquor while Frank is circling Philly in a plane with Dee for taxes. As always they are all on different pages, Mac is dressed like Jordan and going to be pitching his fashion line to the celebrities. Charlie is going to pitch his nickel infused alcohol and Dennis is focused on the premium blend liquor. Of course they blow the pitch and Charlie pukes on the limo driver after being kicked out. Charlie takes the stars to the airport where Dee and Frank are waiting after Dee had some really old oysters. Mac also confused a random person with Jalen Hurts but they then run into the Philly hockey mascot. Bryan Cranston then gives an acting monologue on the plane that is good before both of them say they don’t want to spend another moment with the gang.


Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 6 Review


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