Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 2 Review

Frank Shoots Every Member of the Gang- 8.2/10

In the opening scene we see frank shoot (nick) Dennis and Dee. Which then has them go on a whole day where they take frank through all his favorite things, he becomes like a dog, where at the end they plan on taking his gun. This all culminates in them taking him to the beach where he fires his gun into the ocean before he thinks they are there to kill him. It’s hysterical how quick of a turn around he has and grabs his gun back when he finds out there were only there for his gun and not to kill him. While this is going on we follow Charlie and Mac try to reclaim some of their heritage/history where we see max visit his gay uncle who has WW2 letters from his grandpa. While there he offers to give Mac everything he has ever wanted from his dad but Mac refuses his uncle. Charlie on the other hand is searching for a jar of teeth that his family members have contributed to for ages. After his mom tries to recreate it by pulling out a tooth she tells him she gave it to his sisters which prompts an impromptu road-trip to them. In the car Mrs. Mac is hysterical with her logic and rules and when broken burns Mac with a cigarette. When they get to Charlie’s sisters, his sisters refuse to give back the jar of teeth as they use it for ASMR on Onlyfans which is how they have such a nice house. They are terrible characters which is funny and they ask them to leave their house but not before Mrs. Mac destroys their bathroom by flushing the WW2 letters. In the end the gang is all back at Paddy’s, and as Frank slams his gun down on the bar to finally give in, the gun fires and shoots Mac, Charlie, and Frank completing the name of the episode, Frank shoots everyone in the gang.


Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 3 Review


Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 1Review