KFC Double Down in Sri Lanka

I’m calling this sandwich the behemoth because that is the only word that comes to mind, not because of the size but the overwhelming feeling I got when I ate it back in 2019 in Sri Lanka. Recently brought back in the united states by what I have to assume is popular demand or maybe just a few message boards yearning for its release again. Two chicken cutlets replacing the buns, seasoned the way colonel has always done it with bacon, cheese, and mayo to finish out the building of the sandwich. It something that someone made in a test kitchen or possibly one late night when a few drinks had already been consumed. The question has come and gone if they should do it because it has been done but rather why do they keep bringing it back? Like the McRib I'm sure it has its fans but even this year when it came out, the sandwich was on my radar but I just couldn't get myself to stop in and order one to review. The last one did a number on me and my body and i couldn't go through that again. I don't recommended this sandwich but if you are brave enough to try this sandwich kudos and enjoy the the ride that you will most certainly be going on for the next few hours.


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