Worst 11 Episodes of Always Sunny in Philadelphia

This show rarely misses but there are some and these are the ones that had me hitting pause throughout or hitting next episode very fast. The numbers are subjective and should be taken VERY serious for that reason.

Season 13 Episode 7 “The Gang Does a Clip Show” (6.1)

This episode was not bad as they did their own take on a loop back episode. It was confusing following though as it was not clear if it was inception, them waiting on their phone updates, or just a regular clips show. I may have missed the overall but overall this was not the best in my mind.

Season 13 Episode 3 “The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies Reboot” (6.1)

Not a whole lot new introduced in this episode as it was a female remake of an earlier episode, which is what they were making light of. The gross outs were kind of unexpected, one of the funnier scenes from this episode was the waiter being the stewardess on the flight. The writer messed up the timing as he says something about living in Minnesota which comes into play later in the season as well.

Season 7 Episode 12 “The High School Reunion” (6.1)

Maybe since I haven't had my own reunion this episode just didn't land with me but the funniest part of the episode was Mac’s full name reveal. Cricket playing games was also nice to see, but overall this episode is one of my least favorites.

Season 1 Episode 2 “Charlie Wants an Abortion” (6.1)

The Charlie plot was not the best as we have him seeing if this random kid was his and also using it to get closer to the waitress. The better story lines are Dennis and Mac, where Dennis is using an abortion relay to hit on girls and gets literally caught in the middle when trying to switch sides. Mac on the other hand finds a girl on the religious side and knocks her up just to deliver one of the episodes funnier lines that she needs an abortion. Overall good plot just seemed to be a lot going on and the Charlie lead took away from the story.

Season 2 Episode 4 “Mac Bangs Dennis Mom” (5.7)

This episode was not crazy, but instead had Charlie manipulating his friends to get closer to the waitress. In the end though Frank ends up getting with her and breaking Charlie. Mac being needy after sleeping with Barbara was pretty funny.

Season 6 Episode 1 “Mac Fights Gay Marriage” (5.6)

The big joke in this episode was Mac who we presume to be gay is fighting against gay marriage and is using the bible to prove his points, only to be proven wrong. Mac’s ex had the sex change and he wants to get back together with her, but nothing crazy in this episode. Seeing the rest of the gang looking at marriage and the benefits was funny especially Frank and Charlie.

Season 1 Episode 6 “The Gang Finds a Dead Guy” (5.6)

I don't remember this episode much, other than Charlie in Dee and Dennis grandpas Nazi uniform. Dennis and Mac also try to hit on the guy who died in their bars granddaughter.

Season 1 Episode 1 “The Gang Gets Racist” (5.6)

There are some good parts of this episode like Charlie being misquoted by the waitress while using a racial slur then making it his mission to prove he is not racist. By using Dee’s gay boyfriends sister he plans to show he is not racist but of course it doesn't go as planned. Mac trying to fit in but getting everything wrong was also funny.

Season 6 Episode 2 “Dennis Gets Divorced” (5.3)

We see the pitfalls of a bad marriage in this episode when we see moron and Dennis get divorced and all the headaches that come with that. Dennis still trying to do single life things is what caused it as well as shouting at her. Uncle Jack was an absolute star in this episode almost instantly conceding Dee also being one of Bills women but not getting paid is a good subplot but doesn't add a ton to the story.

Season 1 Episode 3 “Underage Drinking: A National Concern” (4.7)

To help the underage people be safe we see the gang make paddy's a hip spot that doesn't ID to help protect them. Of course a plan is only good at the start with them and falls apart when they get involved in the high school drama. Dennis has a run in with a younger girl and Dee returns to her drunken high school days. The end with them standing in clothes ready for Prom was funny.

Season 1 Episode 4 “Charlie Has Cancer” (4.5)

Charlie telling everyone he as cancer starts the episode on a low note with everything picking up from there. Mac starts seeing a trans women and tries to hide it from everyone but ends up in trouble after accidentally hitting her at the end. The boys also try to get Charlie laid to cheer him up with the cancer news. After Dennis bangs the waitress, he and mac convince her to sleep with Charlie for money which she doesn't do and upsets the boys. Artemis is also an out of control bartender that is supposed to sex up the plane but ends up grossing out Dennis. Not sure how this got this rating cause I don't remember it being this low but maybe its just a memory, still for this show to only have two episodes under five is incredible for how long its been on.


Looking ahead to Season 16 of Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Top 12 Episodes of Always Sunny in Philadelphia