Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 7 Review

The Gang Goes Bowling - 8.7/10

Dee tries to get some money from the gang for her tips but since she has none they just stare at her. They then bully her to take off her coat after she says she is going out to a fancy event to reveal a bowling shirt and in turn she asks them not to ruin bowling by joining her. Dee joins the girls team (Frigid Bitches) with Gail the Snail, Artemis, and the Waitress and takes over immediately. The guys show up and sign up to compete against and meet the McPoyle’s at the front desk who own the bowling alley. As weird as always, the McPoyle’s try to get the guys to ask them a story but the guys don’t and the McPoyle’s have also banned chili cheese fries at their alley. Dennis then comes back and tells the girls that he has been breaking Dee in bowling since high school and she can’t hit one pin around him. Each matchup is pretty funny as the girls get in the guys heads, Gail gets Mac to spin the ball which he can’t do, the Waitress gets Charlie to overthink bowling. Frank gets chili in the ball to make his chili cheese fries that are banned which makes a mess of the lanes. Dennis is bragging about winning before they win when the Waitress challenges him to a punching bag to determine strength. Dennis wins but breaks his hand so he may not be able to bowl. Dee and Dennis get the McPoyle’s to bowl for them. There are some shoutouts to the Big Lebowski from the McPoyle’s. As Liam goes to bowl his depth perception is off so he ends up throwing the ball at his brother and hurting him, was unexpected and very funny. Dee then has to bowl and puts everything she has into her bowl which gets one pin. When she turns around, it’s just the Waitress since Frank is having a three way with Artemis and Gail, while the boys went to the Sixers game. The best episode this season with shoutouts to classic films, fights about gender, and of course chili cheese fries. This is a very good episode in a season that hasn't hit all the notes.


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