Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 8 Review

Dennis takes a Mental Health Day - 8.7/10

Dennis needs to lower his high blood pressure and reassures the doctor he can. We then follow Dennis interacting with many characters that are all part of the very annoying and tedious system. Examples like having to download an app to drive a car or buy coffee. If you make a mistake then you have to jump through hoops to fix it which is always ten times harder. People at check in desks always seem to being typing a lot and mistakes are always being made like reservations being given away and phone stores not offering customers phones unless they are new customers. The episode is a look at how we have made life’s simple tasks way harder. In the end we see it was all in Dennis head and he lowered his blood pressure mentally. As he walks out of the office back to the gang we see the characters in his head were all different people in the doctors office.


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Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 7 Review