Iron Man Review

*I followed the order on Disney plus for timeline order, with a little help from online. It’s the best I can do not knowing everything about this stuff. I was as unbiased as I could be and some of these scores may be a little biased/high, but the scores are based on a Marvel scale, so just keep that in mind.

Iron Man- The one that started it all, everything was built from this one. Not sure how Kevin put this all in his head but we thank him for doing it. Young RDJ and Jon Favreau make for an incredible duo from the first time on screen. Overall a great feel good movie, a little bit of an introspective look at American politics, foreign policy, and how a rich billionaire changes for the good of humanity. Robert Downey Jr. plays this part perfectly, he is Iron Man. The ten rings is the terrorist organization that will be referenced a few times throughout the universe as well, but first referenced here. 7.8/10


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