Captain Marvel Review

*I followed the order on Disney plus for timeline order, with a little help from online. It’s the best I can do not knowing everything about this stuff. I was as unbiased as I could be and some of these scores may be a little biased/high, but the scores are based on a Marvel scale, so just keep that in mind.

Captain Marvel- Notoriously known as one of the worst rated marvel movies amongst fans and to be honest I’m not entirely sure what that means for marvel fans taste in movies. Sure, there are better films, films that make me feel more emotion, films that connect us more with the characters, but this movie seems to hit the nail on the head for figuring out who you are, where you come from, and how you can help people even if you’ve been on the wrong side of history. What a great message to people anytime in their life. The hate while it may seem justified, I think is unwarranted and some comic fans may disagree with this but I found this movie to be better than the reviews out there I have read. Also one bad ass post credits scene. 6.7/10


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