We don’t sleep until every bar has fresh Popcorn

Everyone is turning to this bullshit 30 taps so we can please everyone attitude. Well where the hell are the bars trying to please me? I need something salty, something that I won’t feel until I have consumed a buckets worth of beer. I need it hot and fresh, not from the bag like a piece of trash. I am not heathen but a king when I get fresh popcorn at a bar. It doesn’t make sense, this is the best combo right next to PB and J and Peanut butter and chocolate. It helps the bar out because I will be thirsty, it makes me happy scarfing down while watching my team play on Saturday and Sunday. This is the greatest mystery, what world have we created that we allow bars to go without having fresh popped popcorn available in the bar.


Forget everything and just for a second remember the last time you were at a bar with fresh popcorn. The warmth of the room, everyone smiling, drinking some beer. No anger, no hate, just love in the room. If you haven’t experienced this I invite you into this protest with me, be angry that you have not had the chance for this and stand up and demand better. We can do this one bar at a time. Popcorn for All! This could be the secret to world peace, we may never know until we try. This is the hill I will die on but that’s what we are meant to do in life, stand up when injustice is seen before us, I cannot, nay will not stand by and watch this. Call on your local bars and change this for the good of the world.


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Nakama, a Teppanyaki grill in the heart of Pittsburgh