What the different species of Oysters?

There are several species of oysters, but some of the most common and well-known ones include:

  1. Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) - Found along the Atlantic coast of North America.

  2. Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) - Found along the Pacific coast of North America, Asia, and Australia.

  3. European Flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) - Found along the coasts of Europe and North Africa.

  4. Kumamoto oyster (Crassostrea sikamea) - Found along the Pacific coast of North America and Asia.

  5. Olympia oyster (Ostrea conchaphila) - A small, wild oyster found along the Pacific coast of North America.

Note: Oysters can vary in flavor, texture, and size depending on the species, the location where they are farmed or harvested, and the water conditions.


How to learn more about Oysters?


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