High Noon Iced Tea Review
If you haven't been on the craze of the high noon spirit seltzer’s, then I am here to tell you, you have been missing out. Sub out the malt and added sugar for these seltzer’s.
Original- Good regular tasting iced tea flavor for this. No carbonation was a huge plus and this was crisp and refreshing. Could sip one of these on a dock looking over a lake. 8.2/10 Better than Twisted Tea
Peach- Light and airy made this very easy to drink. The peach flavor was not overwhelming but instead was very palatable. Hard to beat this one on a hot day, would be one of the first high noons i would grab in the cooler. 9.1/10
Raspberry- Good flavor consisting of both tea and berry flavor. Crisp and refreshing made this beverage feel like hydration more than an alcoholic drink. 8.8/10
Lemon- Could drink so many of these, smooth and refreshing taste and mouth feel with this flavor. Hard to compete in the lemon iced tea seltzer category I feel and this beats the competitors. 8.1/10
All Four of High Noon Iced Tea Flavors Side by Side